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Will There Be Snow?

Will There Be Snow?

Down in the south we tend to over react when the threat of a little winter weather heads our way. Today is one of those days. Will there be snow? Will there be Ice? Our local meteorologist tend to get it wrong. When they think it will be nothing, the city gets hit hard. Everyone evacuates the city at the same time and causes horrific traffic mixed with ice and snow which equals disaster. This is what happened two years ago in January and it took me 4 hours to go 19 miles! When they tell everyone to prepare for the worst nothing happens. This time they have closed schools and declared a state of emergency ahead of the storm. The City has scheduled to close at noon today. Funny thing is, the storm is predicted to roll in around 6-7 tonight. Why cancel schools when it’s just going to be a regular rainy day? I plan to leave work early and work from home the rest of the day….just in case. If we do get snow, I hope it inspires beautiful winter wonderland pieces of jewelry. The snow is so beautiful as it covers everything is site. Like a fluffy blanket wrapping everything it can in beauty.

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